Baruch Dayan Emet: RivkA is gone
Monday, November 1, 2010 update: Soccer Dad has posted an entire Haveil Havalim link round-up, "The Good Name Edition," dedicated to posts remembering RivkA bat Yishaya v'Teirtzel.
A tallit-and-tefillin-wearing woman in a traditional Conservative synagogue?! An unorthodox—and non-orthodox—perspective on Jews and Judaism from a perpetual misfit. This blog, welcoming the entire Jewish community, is dedicated to those who take Judaism seriously, but not necessarily literally.
Sigh. Virtual hug...
Ruti, thank you for publishing your memorial post on your blog--the photos of RivkA are beautiful, and your words are moving. May we know no more sorrow.
Thank you, Shira. AMEN!
Thanks for the great information on this post.
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